Demo Blog

Music Monday

by The Rocker on Nov.22, 2009, under

Hey guys! Right to it, the song winner is.... Welcome to the Jungle by Guns N' Roses
Have a happy week and as always email me at for tips, ideas, comments, questions etc.
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The Fedex Arrow!

by The Rocker on Nov.22, 2009, under

hey guys! although this is completely off topic of music it is cool. if you like creativity and optical illusions read on. The fedex sign has an arrow on it. try to find it without cheating. The logo has won awards for this cunning design
Hint 1: it is between the e and the x
Hint 2: it is not painted on, but can be seen through the outline of the e and the x

Ok if you still don't see it here you go

if you have a band or a song you would like to suggest i hear to help the blog, email me at
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Music Monday!

by The Rocker on Nov.22, 2009, under

Hey guys! I came up with the next song for the song of the week. (drumroll) and the winner is.... (don't fear)the reaper by Blue Oyster cult.
Thank you!
also, i am adding my itunes playlist that i always put on shuffle and listen to. I think it is a pretty awesome list. It may take me a couple of days though.
Feel free to donate if possible to help my brother with leucemia out. Contact me at
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Song of the week/ music monday!

by The Rocker on Nov.22, 2009, under

Hey guys! i am here with a new song of the week! i will try to post them every monday so it can be called music monday, the winner of this week's song is Paint it Black by The Rolling Stones. this is a good tune to listen to and it cheers you up so if you have the time sit down and hear it
as always thank you,
Please donate, and subscribe.
Contact me at
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Song of the Week

by The Rocker on Nov.22, 2009, under

I wiil weekly add a song that will be now known as song of the week! it will happen once a week, and you can listen to some tunes! i will be adding a page of all the songs of the week from now on... that is where you will find it, thanks guys!
This week's Song- Hey Joe By Jimi Hendrix
I had to do it because jimi is my favorite guitarist
Please feel free to Donate below and contact me at
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Building blog

by The Rocker on Nov.22, 2009, under

Ok, so my blog is in the process of becoming an actual good blog. I am starting a bands list (so far i could only think of 70, but it will get better). And, i am trying to add music playlists on here so you can listen to that and browse the web! I need Donations to make this happen though, so if you can, please do, thank you
Donate to me Down on the bottom of the page
Contact me at
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OK, What's Up?

by The Rocker on Nov.22, 2009, under

So i just found out a site that has the same purpose of me here So please be free to check it out
And If you like to connect with other rockers go to these forums
Thanks everyone! I Aspire to become what is the blog above. Some day i will, but if you have Any suggestions, donations, or anything Email Me at
With the love of rock,Thank you
Donate, and contact me at
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by The Rocker on Nov.22, 2009, under

Hello! This is your Blogger-The Rocker, you can also call me ghost. I am here on a simple mission-to bring back the popularity of the old rock.
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